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  Economic Growth & Reforms    
Sr. No. Name of Paper Appeared in
1 Indian Financial Sector: Structure, Trends and Turns, IMF Working Paper (WP/17/7), January, 2017 January, 2017
2 Emerging Powers and Global Governance: Whither the IMF, IMF Working Paper (WP/15/219), October, 2015 October, 2015
3 Pressing the Indian Growth Accelerator: Policy Imperatives, IMF Working Paper (WP/15/53), March, 2015 March, 2015
4 India - What Policies and Reforms are Necessary to Put the Economy Back on the Right Track? : Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference March 25, 2014
5 IMI Convocation Lecture by Dr. Rakesh Mohan Revised  
6 India’s Financial Sector Reforms: Outcomes and Issues 11th Stanford India Conference
June 3-4, 2010.
7 Managing The Impossible Trinity: Volatile Capital Flows And Indian Monetary Policy Working Paper No. 401, November 2009,      Stanford Centre for International      Development, Stanford University.
8 Liberalisation and Regulation of Capital Flows: Lessons for Emerging Market Economies Working Paper No.399 Stanford Centre      for International Development,
Stanford University October 2009

Implications of the Global Financial Crisis for Financial Reform and Regulation in Asia By Masahiro Kawai, David G. Mayes, Peter J. Morgan
9       Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Impact, Policy Responses and Lessons RBI Bulletin, May 2009
10       The Role of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Sustaining Growth with Stability in India Asian Economic Policy Review
     (2008) 3, pp. 209–236.

     Updated and detailed version in RBI      Bulletin, December 2008, pp 2081-2118
11       Global Financial Crisis and Key Risks: Impact on India and Asia RBI Bulletin,
     November 2008, pp 2003-2022.
12       Innovation and Growth: Role of the Financial Sector RBI Bulletin,
     April 2008, pp 559-577.
13       The Growth Record of the Indian Economy, 1950-2008: A Story of Sustained Savings and Investment RBI Bulletin,
     March 2008, pp 373-397. (Also reprinted in      Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XLIII      No.19, May 10-16, 2008, pp.61-71).
14       The Global Economy and Financial Markets RBI Bulletin,
     March 2007, pp 711–717.
15       State of the Indian Economy RBI Bulletin,
     November 2006, pp 1321–1337.
16       Economic Reforms in India: Where Are We And Where Do We Go? RBI Bulletin,
     December 2006, pp 1477–1494.
17       Economic Growth, Financial Deepening and Financial Inclusion RBI Bulletin,
     November 2006, pp 1305–1320
18       Indian Economy in the Global Setting RBI Bulletin,
     October 2005, pp 903-909.
19       Economic Development of the North East Region : Some Reflections RBI Bulletin,
     December 2003, pp 925-937
20       A Decade After 1991: New Challenges Facing the Indian Economy RBI Bulletin,
     November 2002, pp.771-788
21       Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation - A Tale of Two Surveys Economic and Political Weekly,
     Vol.XXXVI No.12, March 24-30, 2001, pp.      1017-1028
22 The Way Forward in NCAER Journal of Comparative Economics,
     Vol. 14, November 4, December, 1990
23      Public Sector Reform and Issues in Privatisation Policy Reform in India, Paris: OECD      Development Centre, 1996.