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         Papers & Speeches
  Urban Economy  
Sr. No. Name of Paper Appeared in
1 Indian Thinking and Practice Concerning Urban Property Taxation and Land Policies:
      A Critical View Models
Princeton University Research      Programme in Economic Development      Discussion Paper No. 47, June 1974.
2 Toward Modelling Poor Cities: A Review of Urban Economic and Planning Models World Bank Staff Working Paper No.      232, Washington D.C. April, 1976.   
3 Urban Land Policy, Income Distribution and the Urban Poor ,” in Charles R. Frank and Richard C. Webb Income Distribution and Growth in the      Less Developed Countries, Washington,      D.C. Brookings Institution, 1977.
4 People of Bogota: Who they Are, What They Earn, Where They Live World Bank Staff Working Paper No.      390, Washington D.C. 1980.
5 The Evolution of Land Values in the Context of Rapid Urban Growth: A Case Study of Bogota and Cali,      Colombia (Authored along with Rodrigo Villamizar) World Congress on Land Policy,1980.          Lexington, Mass, D.C. Heath and Co.1982.
6 Measuring Urban Malnutrition and Poverty (Authored along with Jorge Garcia and M.W.Wagner) World Bank Staff Working Paper No.      447, Washington D.C., April 1981.
7 Urban Policies and Growth Trends Urban India. Journal of the National      Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi.
     Vol.I No.1, September 1981.
8 The Determinants of Earnings in Developing Metropoli World Bank Staff No. 498,
     Washington D.C., October 1981.
9 Indian Thinking on Property Tax Reform Nagarlok,
     January-March 1982, pp.1-11.
10 Problems and Prospects for Shelter in Urban India: Some Policy Issues Nagarlok,
     April-June 1982.
11 The Morphology of Urbanization in India, Some Results from the 1981      Census Economic and Political Weekly,
     September 18 and 25, 1982, Vol. XVII, Nos.      38 and 39.
12 Principles of Urban Land Policy: Some Guidelines for a New Approach in R.M. Kapoor (ed.) Land in Metropolitan Development.
13 The Regional Pattern of Urbanisation and Economic Development in India Conference on Recent Population      Trends in South Asia, New Delhi,      February, 1983.
14 India: Coming to Terms with Urbanisation Cities, September 1983. Vol.I,
     No.1 pp.46-58.
15 The Effect of Population Growth, The Pattern of Demand and of Technologyin the
     Process of Urbanization
Journal of Urban Economics,
     March 1984, Vol. 15, pp.125-156. (Also      issued as World Bank Staff Working      Paper No. 520, 1982).
16 The Poor of Bogota: Who They Are, What They Do, Where They Live
     (Authored along With Nancy Hartline)
World Bank Staff Working Paper No.      635, Washington, D.C. April 1984.
17 An Anatomy of the Distribution of Urban Income: A Tale of Two Cities in Colombia. World Bank Staff Working Paper No.      650, Washington, D.C. April 1984.
18 The City Study: Understanding the Developing Metropolis. Research News, Vol.5, Number 3, The      World Bank, 1984, Washington D.C.
19 Labour Force Participation in a Developing Metropolis: Does Sex Matter World Bank Staff Working Paper No.      749. World Bank Washington D.C. 1985.
20 Educational Expansion and the Inequality of Pay: Colombia 1973 to 1978 Oxford Bulletin of Economics and      Statistics,Vol.50, May 1988.
21 Managing India’s Urban Future Seminar.
22      Industry and Urban Employment, 1961-81: A Preliminary Exploration Economic and Political Weekly,      November 4-11, 1989.
23 An Analysis of Projected Urban Infrastructure Investment Costs in India
     (Authored along with Shankar Acharya)
Review of Urban and Regional      Development Studies, Vol. 2 & No.1      January 1, 1990
24 The Regional Spread of Urbanisation, Industrialisation and Urban Poverty.
     (Authored along with Pushpa Thottan)
Poverty in India: Research and Policy,      Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1992.
25 Housing and Urban Development: Policy Issues for the 1990s Economic and Political Weekly,
     Volume XXVII, No. 36, September 5, 1992.
26 Population and Urbanisation: Strategies to Cope with City Growth ” in Vasant Gowarikar (ed.) Science, Population and Development,
     New Delhi: Unmesh Communication, 1992.
27 Urbanisation and the Economy” in Richard Stren with Judith Kjellberg Bell (ed.) Perspectives on the City,
     Toronto, Canada: Centre for Urban and      Community Studies, University of
     Toronto, 1995.
28 Urbanization in India: Patterns and Emerging Policy Issues” in Josef Gugler The Urban Transformation of the      Developing World, , New York: Oxford      University Press, 1996. Also in Sujata Patel      and Kushal Deb, Urban Studies, New      Delhi:Oxford University Press, 2006.
29 Industrial Location Policy and Its Implications for India”, Pravin Visaria and Gavin Jones (eds) Urbanisation in Large Developing      Countries,
     Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
30       Urban Development in India in the Twenty First Century: Policies for Accelerating Urban Growth"(jointly with S. Dasgupta) Paper presented at the Fifth Annual      Conference on Indian Economic Policy      Reform at the Stanford Center for      International Development Stanford, US      on October, 2004.
31       The 21st Century: Asia Becomes Urban (jointly with S. Dasgupta) Economic and Political Weekly,
Vol. XL No.3, January 15-21, 2005,
32      Managing Metros Seminar 557, India 2005,
January 2006. pp 86-92.
33      Asia’s Urban Century: Emerging Trends RBI Bulletin, July 2006, pp 795–808.  (Also      in Gregory K. Ingram and Yu-Hung Hong      (eds.) "Land Policies and Their      Outcomes", Cambridge, Massachusetts:      Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2007, pp      239-258).
34      Urbanisation and Globalisation in the Twenty First Century:Emerging Challenges RBI Bulletin,
December 2007, pp 2185-2197.