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         Papers & Speeches
  Monetary Policy    
Sr. No. Name of Paper Appeared in
1     After Neo Liberalism and the North Atlantic Financial Crisis: The Way Ahead for Finance and Monetary Policy for Emerging Markets - Economic and Political Weekly, March 28, 2020, Volume Lv , No 13.
2     Monetary Policy Coordination: The Role of Central Banks G-20 Summit at Five: Time for Strategic Leadership, Brookings Institution Press, July, 2014
3     India's Recent Macroeconomic Performance: An Assessment and Way Forward IMF Working Paper, April, 2014
4     Monetary Policy Coordination and the Role of Central Banks IMF Working Paper, April, 2014
5     International Credit Flows, Pecuniary Externalities, and Capital Controls International conference on Monetary Policy and Financial Stability In Emerging Markets, June 13-14, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey
6     G20: Strong Case for Coordinating Global Monetary Policy East Asia Forum Quarterly, April-June 2014 pp.7-8
7     Comments on BIS Working Paper on Global Spillovers and domestic monetary policy by Menzie D. Chinn Pages 31-40, BIS Working Paper No.436, December, 2013
8     Currency Internationalization and Reforms in the Architecture of the International Monetary System: Managing the Impossible Trinity July, 2013
9     Diversity to Combat Groupthink: No one size fits all for World Central Banking OMFIF
10     Use of Monetary Policy and Prudential Regulation to Ensure Macroeconomic and Financial Stability Presentations of the Rio G20 Seminar,     Rio de Janeiro June 30-July 1, 2011
11       Capital Account Management: Key Issues   Click for video   IMF Macro Economic Conference      March 7, 2011
12       The Future of Financial Regulation: Some Reflections  
13       The Global Financial Crisis: Challenges to the Regulatory Path Ahead By Rakesh Mohan Brussels Economic Forum May 25, 2010
14       Bank of Korea 2010 Conference The Changing Role of Central Banks May 31-June 1, 2010 Carl Walsh:      “Implementing Monetary Policy”      Comments By Rakesh Mohan.
15       Managing The Impossible Trinity: Volatile Capital Flows And Indian Monetary Policy Working Paper No. 401, November 2009,      Stanford Centre for International      Development, Stanford University.
16       The Role of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Sustaining Growth with Stability in India Asian Economic Policy Review
     (2008) 3, pp. 209–236.
(Updated and      detailed version in RBI Bulletin, December      2008, pp 2081-2118.
17       Capital Flows to India RBI Bulletin, December 2008,
     pp 2047-2079. Also in BIS Papers No.44,      “ Financial Globalisation and Emerging Market      Capital Flows”, December 2008
18       Monetary Management in Emerging Market Economies: Concerns and Dilemmas RBI Bulletin, August 2007, pp 1411–1421.
19       Recent Financial Market Developments and Implications for Monetary Policy RBI Bulletin, October 2007, pp 1657–1667.
20       First Quarter Review of Monetary Policy: Underlying Macroeconomics RBI Bulletin, August 2007, pp 1411–1421.
21       Capital Account Liberalisation and Conduct of Monetary Policy: The Indian Experience RBI Bulletin, July 2007, pp 1129-1154 (Also      in " Macroeconomics and Finance in      Emerging Market Economies",Volume 2      Issue 2,2009,pp.215-238. Also as Chapter 3      in "Goyal, Ashima (2012) (Ed.),      "Macroeconomics and Markets in India:
     Good Luck or Good Policy
22       Development of Financial Markets in India RBI Bulletin, June 2007, pp 961–990.
     (Also in Business Standard India 2008,      pp. 99-138, New Delhi: BS Books, 2008).
23       Monetary Policy Transmission in India RBI Bulletin, April 2007, pp 421–472. (Also      in BIS Papers No.35, Transmission      Mechanisms for Monetary Policy in      Emerging Market Economies, Basel:      Bank for International Settlements,
     January 2008).
24       Current Challenges to Monetary Policy Making in India RBI Bulletin, March 2007, pp 311–323.
25       Central Banks and Risk Management: Pursuing Financial Stability RBI Bulletin, December 2006,
     pp 1505–1516.
26       Monetary and Financial Policy Responses to Global Imbalances RBI Bulletin, December 2006,
     pp 1495–1503.
27       Economic Growth, Financial Deepening and Financial Inclusion RBI Bulletin, November 2006,
     pp 1305–1320.
28       New Economic Geography and Monetary Policy in a Flattening World RBI Bulletin, October 2006, pp 1143 –1148.       (Also in The New Economic Geography:      Effects and Policy Implications, pp. 341-354.      Kansas City: Federal Reserve Bank of      Kansas City, 2006).
29       Financial Sector Reforms and Monetary Policy: The Indian Experience RBI Bulletin, July 2006, pp 773–793.
30       Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Frameworks: The Indian Experience RBI Bulletin, June 2006, pp 693–705.
31       Evolution of Central Banking in India RBI Bulletin, June 2006, pp 681-691. (Also      reprinted in Prajnan, Vol. XXXV, No.2,      2006-07, NIBM, Pune, pp 127-143).
32       Coping with Liquidity Management in India: A Practitioner’s View RBI Bulletin, April 2006, pp 333–344.
33       Some Apparent Puzzles for Contemporary Monetary Policy RBI Bulletin, December 2005, pp 1109-
     1122. (Also in Jahangir Aziz, Steven
     Dunaway and Eswar Prasad (eds), China
     and India: Learning from Each Other,
     pp.203-230, Washington DC, International
     Monetary Fund, 2006).
34       Communications in Central Banks: A Perspective RBI Bulletin, October 2005, pp 911-919.
35       Financial Sector Reforms in India: Policies and Performance Analysis RBI Bulletin, October 2004, pp 851-876.      (Also reprinted in Economic and Political      Weekly, Vol. XL No.12, March 19-25, 2005,      pp.1106-1121 and in Tamal Datta Chaudhuri       (ed.) Financial Sector Reforms – An      IndianPerspective pp.147-198, ICFAI      University Press, 2006).
36       Challenges to Monetary Policy in a Globalising Context RBI Bulletin, January 2004, pp 81-102.